Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 15: International Day of Reconciliation


December 16: International Day of Reconciliation

The Day of Reconciliation was created to mark the end of apartheid in South Africa. It was officially created in 1995 to foster unity and reconciliation across the country. The reason the date was selected is that it is significant to both African and Afrikaner cultures. On that date in 1864, the white Afrikaner government celebrated a decisive military victory over the indigenous Zulu people.  For blacks in South Africa, December 16 marked the founding of the resistance movement in 1961.  The government purposefully selected a date that would be meaningful for both groups.

The intensity of the hatred of those two groups towards one another pales by comparison to the intensity of the divide between God and humanity.  The greatest need for reconciliation lies there.  From birth, we all face the just wrath and judgment of God.  Any hope for reconciliation is beyond us.  There is no peace between God and us.  Here is the amazing nature of our reconciliation to God.  God holds all the cards.  He is the offended and we the offenders.  We have rejected Him.  We repeatedly pull His face towards us so that we can spit in it.  We spurn every loving advance by God.  Who makes the first move toward reconciliation?  It is God Himself.

The best discussion of this critical issue is found in 2 Corinthians 5. Long before December 16, 1995, God made His peace with us.  The full cup of His wrath was poured out on the head of Jesus.  Everything about our relationship to God can become new.  And “all this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.  Let that truth sink in.  The God who has every reason to be angry, is not angry anymore! As insidious and evil as apartheid is, the hate-filled divide between us and God was greater.  And God, in His great love, made peace with us through Jesus Christ.  What now?

We have the ministry of reconciliation!  Every day is the Day of Reconciliation!  The message that we bring is this:  If God has made His peace with you, have you made your peace with God?  That is only possible, “in Christ.”  Believe in Him.  Receive Him.  Be reconciled to God!  And share that message with your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers.

Let today remind us of that ministry.  Be reconciled to God yourself, and then share that message far and wide.  The International Day of Reconciliation is as old as humanity itself.  Let’s celebrate the original Day like never before.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 14: Herding Cats Day


December 15:  Herding Cats Day

We have all been there.  As we stare an impossible task square in the face, we find ourselves feeling like we are trying to herd cats!  While the idiom that something impossible is “like herding cats” is a popular saying now, the phrase has relatively recent origins – one story has it that IT expert Dave Platt popularized the phrase when he said that “managing senior programmers is like herding cats”. 

Another possibility is that the popularity of the phrase gained traction during the 2000 Super Bowl. Hewlett-Packard released an ad on that occasion boasting of their ability to serve customers, as easily as cowboys herding cats. Since then the phrase has taken on a life of its own.

Regardless of the etymology of the phrase, it’s a common experience.  It may be work related, a family issue, a financial problem, or just the day-to-day frustrations we encounter.  Is there any remedy? 

At the risk of sounding trite, there is.  The Apostle Paul faced just such a dilemma as he pondered his life.  He was facing a financial crisis.  The future looked bleak, and he found himself with more month at the end of the money.  Should he stress?  Make an appeal for help?  Throw in the towel completely?  No.  He had discovered the “secret” to living with contentment.

“I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13).  Are you trying to herd cats right now?  There is a resource that only a few can claim.  Are your circumstances daunting?  There is an Ally that will shoulder up to you and give you strength.  Do you find yourself defeated again and again by the same enemy?  There is a Warrior who will come to you with the very power that called all creation into being.

Wherever you are today, find hope in this “secret.”  Whatever you are facing turn to the One who holds eternity in His hands.  Call out.  Pray the simplest of prayers:  “Help.”  Live with the confidence that no herd of cats can defeat you.  You can do all things, in the strength of Christ.  Believe it.  Pray it.  Live it.  And put the cats in the pen.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December 2: Blue Christmas Day


December 2:  Blue Christmas Day

While Elvis made the term “A Blue Christmas” popular to describe Christmas doldrums, this holiday is for those who work in law enforcement; police, firefighters, EMTs, and 911 dispatchers.  As of this writing (2020), it’s been a rough year for the folks in blue.

There has recently been a concerted effort to rewrite history.  The argument goes that law enforcement sprang up to support greed and racism.  While there is no question that those elements have been a part of corrupt and nefarious groups, to paint all of those in blue as necessarily in bed with greedy capitalists and white supremacist groups is not only sad, but historically inaccurate.

The rule of law should be celebrated and encouraged, especially by those of us who bear the name of Christ.  The very purpose of government in general and law enforcement in particular is this:   “ For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.“ (Romans 13:3-5)

The” power of the sword” would be translated “the power of the gun” today.  God has instituted governments and their agents to punish those who do wrong, and reward those who do good.  To what end?  First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)  We pray for those in authority over us so that we may lead peaceful and quiet lives, IN THE PURSUIT OF GODLINESS!

Recent moves to defund the police and replace those in blue with social workers and counselors is as misguided as it is dangerous. Clearly, we need to ferret out “bad” agents, and correct injustices and abuses.  But we must do that as we celebrate the contributions of the majority of those who protect and serve.  Today, pray for those in blue.  If you see one of them while getting your coffee, thank them for their service.  Our church has even taken to sending thank you cards from the church to those in blue.  However you celebrate this day, remember that governments and those in their employ have been put in place by God, for our good, and His glory.  Go blue!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 18: World GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems)


November 18:  GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems)

Be amazed.  Be very amazed!  There is a satellite, miles above us, orbiting the earth, that is able to find and track your phone, and tell you within a few feet exactly where you are and where you need to go. 

 Every time we use our GPS function, we are using GSI.  It is called “the science of where.”  The company leading the way in creating software and applications that help us navigate the world is ESRI.  GIS Day was established in 1999 by ESRI President and Co-Founder Jack Dangermond after he had been inspired by Ralph Nader (an American political activist, author, lecturer, lawyer, and presidential candidate, noted for his involvement in consumer protection) to do so. 

My wife will be the first to tell you, she does not have a great sense of direction.  She will often point right and say “left.”  She marvels at my capacity to know which direction we are going whenever we drive.  As keen as that ability is, it offers little in terms of finding my way in life.  For both of us, and you, we need a spiritual GIS.  We need a resource that will reliably tell us where “true north” is, and how best to get from point A to point B.  Should I go left, or right?  Stop?  Go?  

Did you know that God’s word says a great deal about directions?  Go ahead and do a phrase search for “to the right or to the left.”  In almost every case, the reference is connected to the one thing that will keep us on track, keep us moving in the right direction:  God’s commands.  An entire Psalm is devoted to helping us find the right path, Psalm 119 (also the longest Psalm).  

The point is this.  No system exists that will tell us plainly, “take the next left” or “turn right in 500 feet.”  But the only way to stay on track, to navigate this painful, delightful world, is the Word of God.  It contains God’s commands, and, more importantly, it reveals God Himself.  It is a common refrain of this devotional, but it bears repeating.  WE MUST ALL BECOME STUDENTS OF GOD'S WORD.  It is the ONLY resource that we can count on to help us get our bearings and know which path to take.  Read it, daily.  Study it.  Share it.  Memorize it. Meditate on it.  As marvelous as that little satellite is, orbiting the earth, miles in the sky, it pales by comparison to the Word of God.  Today, renew your commitment to God’s word, and fire it up!  Listen as God’s Spirit prompts you--“Recalculating.  Take the next right.”    

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 10: Forget-Me-Not Day

November 10:  Forget Me Not Day

Forget-me-nots are beautiful flowers.  Their petals blossom is pastel colors that include more than 50 different species. Forget-me-not Day originated with World War I, when American soldiers would return from the war wounded. These veterans came home at rates far higher than expected, and there were very few organizations and services available for those wounded in the war. Because of the massive influx of wounded warriors, Judge Robert S. Marx, a decorated World War I veteran, founded Forget-me-not Day in 1920 to help remind people of the sacrifices made during World War I, raising funds for disabled veterans through selling flowers, specifically forget-me-nots. In addition, he helped establish the Disabled American Veteran’s Organization which survives to this day.

For those of us who live in the USA, we are fond of saying that “freedom isn’t free,” meaning that our freedoms and many of the freedoms that other countries enjoy were paid for with the lives of our fallen soldiers.  One pundit once remarked that if we were serious about the Nobel Peace Prize, we should award one to the US military.  I believe he is correct.  Fewer organizations in the history of the world have done more to promote and protect freedom than our military.

As Veteran’s Day approaches, we would do well to remember the words of 1 Timothy 2:  “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.…” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).  Do you see the connection between government and the ability to live in peace?  

Don’t be confused.  This passage is not an appeal to be left alone to do our own thing.  The peace that we seek is a means to a very specific end--To live godly lives, to the end that people might be saved.  Our military has bled and died for that freedom, for that peace, to that end.  Let’s not waste it.  I urge every reader to pray for our government, for our military, and for our veterans.  I urge every believer to embrace the freedom we enjoy to advance the Kingdom and share the gospel with others. Forget-me-nots are inexpensive and hearty.  Consider planting some to remind you of this day, and the freedoms that we enjoy, to the end that God may be glorified by those freedoms.    

Friday, October 23, 2020

October 23: Boston Cream Pie Day


October 23:  Boston Cream Pie Day

The pie that is actually a cake was made in the Parker House Hotel in Boston by Chef M. Sanzian in 1856. Originally this American-French Chef called the cake the “Parker House Chocolate Cream Pie” and had taken the French Butter sponge cake and filled it with a delightful Crème pâtissière, an egg-thickened custard with a history going back at least as far as Ancient Rome, brushed it with rum syrup and topped with a chocolate fondant.

Please stop salivating on the page.  Although I’m not exactly sure what a pâtissière or a chocolate fondant are, I know I love to eat this cake/pie/doughnut.  So, what can we possibly take away from a crazy celebrations like this?

Several things come to mind.  The first is overwhelming gratitude at how God made us.  Think of it.  We could have been created to be sustained with a paste-like substance like cooked oatmeal or even baby food.  Why did God create us with noses and taste buds, and why did He create a world filled with so many delicious foods and potential delicacies?  Because He loves us.  More importantly, He wants us to desire things.  He wants us to pursue satisfaction.  He wants to awaken in us appetites and longings that will force us to dive into the world around us to find what we seek.  He created all those things to fall short and leave us wanting more.  It is all by design.  God’s desire for you is that you will Delight yourself in the Lordand he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) 

Our sin-sick souls get lost in the maze of competing affections.  Apart from the eyes of faith, we eat and drink and love and spend and consume and accumulate, all in an effort to find satisfaction.  When the thrill wears off, we conclude that the problem is that we need more…and more, and more.  We take what was meant as a means to the end of finding real soul-satisfaction in God, as an end in itself.  Boston Crème Pie, sex, power, church, family, drugs…the list of potential God-substitutes is endless.  What means are you pursuing as an end in itself?  

Finally, don’t misunderstand that we should deny ourselves every earthly pleasure.  It’s a natural conclusion in light of what we’ve just said.  But an equally destructive tendency is to embrace a kind of self-centered asceticism that views all pleasure as inherently bad.  Paul has to remind his protégé Timothy of this very thing: Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,  through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,  who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. 

So today, eat some Boston Crème Pie, or some other yummy treat.  Sanctify the many good things God made through prayer and His word.  And never forget that more crème pie will never truly satisfy.  Only God can do that.

October 22: Cap Locks Day


October 22:  Caps Lock Day

OK.  Guilty as charged.  I OFTEN USE ALL CAPS TO MAKE A POINT!  Caps Lock Day first came to pass in the year 2000, when Derek Arnold of Iowa decided that he, like so many other internet users, had simply had enough of people using all caps to emphasize themselves on the web. So he created Caps Lock Day in the interest of poking fun at people who use this abomination of a typing style, and to finally bring some sanity to the net. 

Here is the question to consider today:  How can we cut through all the “points of emphasis” we encounter and stay focused on what really matters?  The flood of information we receive is daunting (See October 20 for a refresher).  Of all the things that could potentially be put in all caps, what truly deserves that distinction?  

The answer is quite simple.  God’s word, as always, makes it plain.  Writing to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul wrote in chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians, “3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures…”  Put it in all caps! 

There are so many important things to consider, things to be highlighted, issues that need bold type and all caps.  But there is one issue that towers above the rest.  Christ died, was raised up, and all this was foretold and corroborated in God’s Word.  I’d like you to make an “all caps” decision today. 

Determine that you will first of all study and understand what those verses mean.  Look at the words, and ask yourself, “what did Paul mean when he wrote this?”  Then, apply that meaning to your life.  What things are of “first importance” to you?  Does the gospel of Jesus Christ take front and center of your thinking, feeling, and acting?  Finally, ask yourself, how will my life be a living letter that puts that truth into all caps?  Start in your home.  Then in concentric circles, move outward—your work, your dorm, you neighborhood, your community, your church, your world.  How will your life become a living testimony of truly important things? 

I need to be a little more disciplined in using all caps.  I probably do it too often.  But one thing always deserves all caps, and that is the gospel.  We have this one life.  God’s heart breaks for our fallen world and the desperate lives all around us.  Pray that your heart will break too, and that no one who ever spends any significant time with you will doubt what really matters.  Make it all caps day for the gospel.  What could be more important?

October 21: Global Dignity Day

October 21:  Global Dignity Day

Global Dignity Day is an initiative to educate and inspire young people and help them to understand their self-worth and goals. It was established in 2008 and continues to grow in popularity.  No surprise there.  As a culture and a world, we have become obsessed with self-worth.  We must learn to “love ourselves,” we are told, or all hope of loving others is lost.  Children must never be made to feel inferior to others, so “participation” awards are given rather than ribbons and medals.  Lest I sound to harsh, I affirm the sentiment behind this day, but I loath the outcomes of this push for self-worth. 

Days like this speak to a much deeper problem, one that we must understand and unapologetically counter.  The problem is this:  Is humanity basically good, needing some help in chipping off the rough edges and refining our better instincts, or is humanity basically evil, in need of radical transformation from the inside out?  Every worldview that opposes God starts here.  If I am basically good, in need of being cheered on in that belief, I don’t need to repent, and I certainly don’t need the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ.  

Look carefully at passages like Psalm 14, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 64, Job 14, and Romans 3.   There is no true dignity apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our hearts are desperately wicked, and only the work of God’s Spirit can change that. 2 things seem evident. 

First, start with yourself.  If you have never sought the true dignity and transformation that comes through receiving and believing in Jesus Christ, you need to do that, today.  Talk to a friend or pastor, or find a helpful resource like Spiritual But Not Religious at Amazon or Google. Find a Bible, and begin to prayerfully walk through Scripture in an effort to begin formulating a robust Christian worldview on the human condition.  I know.  Sounds daunting.  But it is critical that we as believers get this right.  No lasting human dignity will ever be possible if we don’t.

Second, be winsome but unflinching in your testimony to the Truth, God’s truth, found in His Word and in the person of Jesus Christ.  God’s people cannot afford to waffle on this.  We are sinners, with desperately evil hearts that will always turn from God unless He arrests us and turns us to Him.  Then, real self-worth can begin.  Real goal setting can begin.  Real dignity will come into focus.  On this day, purpose to be that kind of person.  Begin where you are.  Pray that the light of Christ will shine in your face, more and more each day.  What a perfect day to start. 

October 20: Information Overload Day

October 20:  Information Overload Day 

We have more access to more information than ever before, and we have gotten dumber and employed less common sense than ever before.  Information Overload Day was established by a group of companies looking to bring awareness to what happens when you overload your employees and customers with far too much information. Research has been showing that productivity is actually being hurt by the sheer amount of information flowing through our lives, with the average employee receiving no less than 93 emails a day. 

Can you relate?  The critical distinction we must make is between knowledge and wisdom.  With so much information at our fingertips, we have lost any sense of context.  In most cases, we have no idea where the information is coming from, who provided it, how much it has been edited, and so on.  What’s an information overloaded believer to do?

Fear.  That is where we must start.  The fear of God.  No less than 4 different times, God’s word assures us that wisdom is to be coveted, and the only place to start getting wisdom is with the fear of the Lord.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7)  The alternative?  Be a fool.  No, we are not talking about buffoonish behavior and silly antics.  A fool is among the worst things a person can be in scripture.  So what does it mean to fear the Lord? 

In an effort to defend God, many believers have tried to soften the notion of fear.  It means what it looks like it means!  God is terrifying when it comes to sin.  His just wrath is not something to be trifled with. Fearing that is good, and it is there that wisdom begins.  In other words, get this right and pursue God, and listen intently to His precepts.  There will be Hell to pay if you don’t! 
But this is not the end of the story.  Matthew 10 provides great insight here.  26 “So have no fear of them (those who persecute you), for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. 
28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?[i] And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. 

Did you see it there?  We are to fear God precisely so that we do not have to fear Him!  Covered in the blood of Christ, the full wrath of God has been poured out on Him.  Fear the one who can destroy you, and let that fear drive you to Him.  Then, you have nothing to fear.  Now, wisdom can begin.  On this information overload day, take some time to study “fearing God.”  Let wisdom reign! 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Voter Guide: 2020


How Should I Vote On November 3?


“Great minds focus on ideas, average minds focus on events,

and small minds focus on people.”

Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of then President Franklin D. Roosevelt


This document will NOT tell you who to vote for.  It will tell you how to approach the upcoming election. 

Step 1:  Check your emotions at the door. 

ANY decision that is made primarily out of emotion, is almost always a bad decision.  Remember, emotions are great servants, they are lousy masters.

Step 2:  Pray…for wisdom, revelation, and a transformed mind (Romans 12:1-2).

Step 3:  Think!  DO YOUR HOMEWORK

Our most fundamental right is the right to vote.  Unfortunately, we are flooded with information.  It is critical that you go into the voting booth or fill out your ballot with a clear head and an informed mind.  That means:

A.      Review the ballot before you vote.  If you do not know your location information, go to,4670,7-127-5647_12539_29836-182651--,00.html 

B.      CAREFULLY READ THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORM AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM.  These are the ideas that will inform and drive the decisions, policies, and legislation that follows. 

For the Democratic Party, go to:

For the Republican Party, go to:,_2020 

C.      Review where each party stands on the issues:

The above link will provide you with unlimited resources on virtually every issue.  Most of the content is taken directly from each party’s political platforms.

Step 4:  If you want to drill down further, look for information from the various candidates on their respective websites.  For those of us who live in Ottawa County, the following candidates are on the ballot:



Vote for not more than 1

Gary Peters


John James


Valerie L. Willis

U.S. Taxpayers

Marcia Squier


Doug Dern

Natural Law



Vote for not more than 1

Bryan Berghoef


Bill Huizenga


Max Riekse


Gerald T. Van Sickle

U.S. Taxpayers

Jean-Michel Creviere





Vote for not more than 1

Christopher P. Banks


Bradley Slagh




Vote for not more than 2

Ellen Cogen Lipton


Jason Strayhorn


Tami Carlone


Michelle A. Frederick


Bill Hall


Richard A. Hewer


Karen Adams

U.S. Taxpayers

Douglas Levesque

U.S. Taxpayers

Mary Anne Hering

Working Class

Hali McEachern

Working Class

Tom Mair



Vote for not more than 2

Mark Bernstein


Shauna Ryder Diggs


Sarah Hubbard


Carl Meyers


James L. Hudler


Eric Larson


Ronald E. Graeser

U.S. Taxpayers

Crystal Van Sickle

U.S. Taxpayers

Michael Mawilai


Keith Butkovich

Natural Law

STATE BOARD - Continued


Vote for not more than 2

Brian Mosallam


Rema Ella Vassar


Pat O'Keefe


Tonya Schuitmaker


Will Tyler White


Janet M. Sanger

U.S. Taxpayers

John Paul Sanger

U.S. Taxpayers

Brandon Hu


Robin Lea Laurain


Bridgette Abraham-Guzman

Natural Law


Vote for not more than 2

Eva Garza Dewaelsche


Shirley Stancato


Don Gates


Terri Lynn Land


Jon Elgas


Christine C. Schwartz

U.S. Taxpayers

Susan Odgers


Step 5:  Familiarize yourself with the non-partisan section of the ballot.  A brief civics lesson:  The USA is NOT a democracy!  A pure democracy functions on the basis of a simple majority (anything over 50%).  We do not function that way.  We are a Constitutional Republic.  Our government functions as per the dictates of our constitution, which includes things like a Senate and the Electoral College, neither of which would be found in a pure democracy. 

This is why each state and our federal government must follow the mandates of constitutions.  Who determines if the laws that are passed are in keeping with those constitutions?  The judicial branch of government.  Our constitution has designated the legislative branch of government (The House of Representatives and the Senate) to make laws.  The Executive branch (Presidents and Governors) ensure that those laws are carried out.  The Judicial branch (The Supreme Court of the US and each state supreme court) ensures that those laws are consistent with our constitutions(s).  All judges tend to be either more “Originalist” or “Non-Originalist.”

In the context of United States law, originalism is an approach regarding the interpretation of the Constitution that asserts that all statements in the constitution must be interpreted based on the original understanding "at the time it was adopted". This concept views the Constitution as stable from the time of enactment and that the meaning of its contents can be changed only by amendments enacted by the legislature.  In this view, interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be.  Originalist judges are less likely to try and make laws, and more likely to interpret laws.

Other judges, non-originalists, view the constitution as a “living document” that we can reinterpret based on political expediency or the political position of the judges themselves.  Rather than asking, “what did the framers of the constitution mean when they wrote it,” they ask, “what do we think they meant based on our own personal convictions and the times in which we live?”  Therefore, we can change the meaning of the constitution without including the legislative or executive branches of government.  Non-Originalists are more likely to try and make laws, a function reserved for our legislative branch of government.

In the following chart, “NA” indicates “Does Not Apply”




8 Year Term

Vote for not more than 2

Susan L. Hubbard


Mary Kelly


Bridget Mary McCormack
Justice of Supreme Court


Kerry Lee Morgan


Katherine Mary Nepton


Brock Swartzle


Elizabeth M. Welch





Incumbent Position

6 Year Term

Vote for not more than 2

Mark Thomas Boonstra
Judge of Court of Appeals


Jane E. Markey
Judge of Court of Appeals




Incumbent Position

Partial Term Ending 01/01/2023

Vote for not more than 1

James Robert Redford
Judge of Court of Appeals




Incumbent Position

6 Year Term

Vote for not more than 1

Jon H. Hulsing
Judge of Circuit Court





Incumbent Position

6 Year Term

Vote for not more than 1

Bradley S. Knoll
Judge of District Court





Non-Incumbent Position

6 Year Term

Vote for not more than 1

Juanita F. Bocanegra


Vernon D. Helder





6 Year Term

Vote for not more than 3

Todd Brennan


Chad Creevy


Tom DenHerder


Step 6:  Look at the ballot proposals.

Ballot proposals:

Proposal 20-1

A proposed constitutional amendment to allow money from oil and gas mining on state-owned lands to continue to be collected in state funds for land protection and creation and maintenance of parks, nature areas, and public recreation facilities; and to describe how money in those state funds can be spent.

This proposed constitutional amendment would:

Allow the State Parks Endowment Fund to continue receiving money from sales of oil and gas from state-owned lands to improve, maintain and purchase land for State parks, and for Fund administration, until its balance reaches $800,000,000.

Require subsequent oil and gas revenue from state-owned lands to go into the Natural Resources Trust Fund.

Require at least 20% of Endowment Fund annual spending go toward State park improvement.

Require at least 25% of Trust Fund annual spending go toward parks and public recreation areas and at least 25% toward land conservation.

Should this proposal be adopted?

FYI:  Groups and individuals who are more liberal are urging voters to vote NO on this proposal, while conservative are urging voters to vote YES on this proposal. 

Proposal 20-2

A proposed constitutional amendment to require a search warrant in order to access a person’s electronic data or electronic communications.

This proposed constitutional amendment would:

Prohibit unreasonable searches or seizures of a person’s electronic data and electronic communications.

Require a search warrant to access a person’s electronic data or electronic communications, under the same conditions currently required for the government to obtain a search warrant to search a person’s house or seize a person’s things.

Should this proposal be adopted? 

FYI:  No groups or individuals on either side of the political spectrum have put forward a coherent argument for voting either way.  Here are things to consider as you vote.

If Proposal 2 is Adopted The Michigan Constitution would provide specific protections to electronic data and communications. Law enforcement would be required to obtain warrants to access information stored in these formats.

If Proposal 2 is Rejected Law enforcement would continue the current practice of seeking warrants to access electronic data and communications based on interpretation of the “Searches and Seizures” provision of the Michigan Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.

Major Issues to Consider: Article I of the Michigan Constitution contains many of the personal protections found in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. While neither constitution explicitly protects electronic data and communications, Michigan law enforcement agencies mostly treat this information the same as the protections for “persons, houses, papers, and effects/possessions” found in the U.S. and state constitutions. Proposal 2 attempts to remove any ambiguity.

Step 7:  Pray.  Again.  For our nation and the integrity of the election.

Step 8:  Vote.  Encourage others to do the same.