Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can crush
my heart. Public and private discourse
are often shut down, not by engaging each other’s’ ideas, but by ad hominem
attacks on the person—“bigot, sexist, homophobe, etc.” None cut quite so deep as “hater.” Now imagine that you are the Creator of the
universe, the all-just, all-loving God of the Bible. How many jarring and inflammatory epithets
have been hurled at Him? Part of the
reason for that is that the emotions of God are complex. What would one expect from a Deity that
claims top position in the pantheon of gods?
But He is complex, and we would do well to avoid the trap of assigning
human understandings and definitions to God.
God is capable of feeling and yearning and expressing those longings in
ways that defy complete understanding.
For example, we read in Romans 9, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau I
hated.” How can that be? How can a loving God “hate” someone? The answer is wrapped up in the very nature
of God.
Another example.
Can or does God ordain things to happen that He hates to see
happen? Yes! The prime example is the murder of His own
Son, Jesus Christ. Was God “happy” to
see His son treated in that way, pleased over such a gross miscarriage of
justice and then delighted in the fact that Christ actually became sin for us
(2 Corinthians 5:21)? And yet we read: But the LORD was pleased to crush
Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He
will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the
LORD will prosper in His hand (Isaiah 53:10 NAS). For God, to be pleased to crush His Son AND
pleased to prosper Him is not contradiction.
He can do both at the same time.
All this leads us to the “question” that was put to me
regarding 2 Peter 3:9. The Lord is
not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is
patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to
repentance. So then, how does
this verse square with the overwhelming evidence in Scripture that God “elects”
some to salvation, and “hardens” others (Romans 9:18)? If he doesn’t want anyone to perish, then how
can He choose that some would perish? The
answer is that God can desire one thing while at the same time willing the
opposite. There is no contradiction for
God. God DOES want everyone to
repent. He is intentionally postponing
the return of Christ precisely to give more time for more people to
repent. His heart “breaks” at the
thought of people who willfully reject His free offer of grace. Yet He ordains that only some will accept
that offer, while others will be hardened to it.
Is this some sort of game? Is God “playing” with us? Does God think this is fun(ny)? No.
The fact remains that people go to Hell because they choose to reject
God’s free offer of salvation. And the
fact remains that God elects some to salvation and hardens others. And the fact remains that there is no way for
us to perfectly reconcile those two facts to our human satisfaction. So where does that leave us?
Be content. For those of us who love God and who long to
experience the full measure of life “in Christ,” we often feel the need to
defend God. We want to remove every
obstacle that might keep someone from coming to faith. Of course, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE ALL BE
PREPARED TO GIVE A GOOD DEFENSE OF OUR FAITH (1 Peter 3:15). But there are many
things about God that remain beyond our complete understanding. This is one of them. As for this one, let God be God. Rest in the confidence that the very God who
remains “beyond” us is the same God who will be irresistible to those He has
Be humbly grateful. If you are a believer, it would behoove you
to fall on your face and thank God for giving you the faith to believe and the
grace to be saved. That is ALWAYS the
human emotion that should be the response to the teaching of election
(Ephesians 3:7-8; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Ephesians 2:8-9).
Be stunned. God is Holy.
The word “holy” literally means “other, heavy, substantial…” God is not like us, just as surely as we are
like Him. While we are made in His image,
we do not MIRROR Him, we reflect His glory.
We are not identical to Him, but we echo Him. But He is so completely perfect and righteous
and just and loving that we could not possibly begin to comprehend His
ETERNITY WITH HIM, because it will take that long to begin to know Him
fully! That God can long for one thing
and then act in ways that are at cross purposes to His longing is simply
another indication that He is God and we are not.
Be a witness. “Witness” is a legal term. We testify to what we know and what we have
seen. We must be witnesses to this great
and glorious God who has, before we did anything good or bad, chose us to
experience His grace unto salvation.
While we were still sinners, He saved us! Every people on earth must hear this good
news. Election is not our prerogative,
or even our concern as it relates to others.
Our calling is to “go and make disciples.”
In the final analysis, God DOES desire that every person
should repent. This is precisely why He
has not sent His son to earth a second time…yet! But that day is fast
approaching. Our concern must be to
worship Him and glorify Him to the end that many more WILL come to
repentance. As for who responds to the
witness we bring, God knows. And that is
where we must leave it, in the complex, infinite, unsearchable mind of God.