September 17: Get Ready Day
This day was first established in the mid-2000s by the Public Health Association, and the Get Ready website has a wealth of information to help those who are interested. Anything from preparing for a hurricane to Spring clean-up is featured. As Christ-followers, what should we prepare for?
God’s word leaves no doubt. “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” (1 Peter 3:15) Are you prepared? Most of us cringe at the thought. We feel socially awkward, even embarrassed. Most of all, we are afraid of feeling stupid. “What if someone asks a question I don’t know the answer to?”
Dearest friends. Our lives are short. There are literally hundreds of people around you who are going to spend a Christless eternity. They need to hear the gospel. They must hear the gospel. It is the ONLY thing that can change our world and create a brighter future for our country. So how do we prepare to make a defense to anyone who asks us about Jesus or God or Christianity?
First, we have to know God’s word. No seminary training is required, and no graduate degree is a prerequisite. As you make your way through God’s Word, prepare in advance a clear, simple explanation of the gospel. Use direct quotations from the Bible. Second, formulate your own story. How did you come to have hope and purpose and a sense of significance? How were you introduced to Jesus, and what difference has it made in your life? Be prepared! Most people will kindly nod and then condescendingly suggest, “that’s nice for you, and I am glad it works for you, but my life is different.” That is the most common reaction you will receive. What are you prepared to say in response?
Third, ask questions. A lot of questions. “Where did you learn that? What has your experience been? Did you ever consider that you might be wrong?” Try to avoid simple declarative statements and instead, ask leading questions and then share God’s truth with them.
Finally, and most
importantly, pray for the words to speak.
One of the many promises of God in Christ is “The Holy Spirit will give
you the words to say at the moment when you need them.” (Luke 12:12) What
a gift! Jesus said this to His disciples
as He was preparing them for the inevitable push back they would receive in
sharing the gospel. It is just as true
today as it was then. So, get
ready. Prepare yourself. Then step back and watch the glory of God
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