Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2: World Smile Day


October 2:  World Smile Day 

The year was 1963, and Harvey Ball was working for an insurance company.  He was commissioned with coming up with a “morale-boosting” icon for the company.  After 10 minutes of work, Harvey was paid $45 for a yellow circle with a few dots and an upturned curve.  He had no idea that he had created one of the most iconic symbols the world had ever seen, and it would quickly come to infect everything from graffiti to modern day emoji’s.  We’re talking of course about the yellow smiley face. 

Since then, October 2 has been set aside as the day to celebrate Harvey Ball and to encourage everyone to smile.  There is one group that I would like to single out today—Christians.  We are, supposedly, the most glad people on earth.  We possess an unshakeable joy and freedom that is enthralling to all who embrace it.  And yet, for all the “joy, joy, joy, joy down in our heart” it rarely seems to make its way to our faces.  

Unfortunately, we have allowed the world to co-opt the term “happy” and now we struggle to relate to any emotions, happiness most of all.  We are taught that happiness is somehow beneath us.  Happiness is tied to situations and circumstances, and “joy” is the only legitimate Christian emotion.  Really?  Where in God’s word is this taught?  Without question, we must resist the temptation to portray life in Christ as nothing but puppies and rainbows.  Life is hard.  In the world, we will have trouble. 

But of all the people on the planet, who should be the quickest to smile?  Friends, don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking that cynicism equals maturity.  It often masquerades as that, but it only reveals a jaded and sick heart that has forgotten how to smile.  Let the world around you see that the content of your heart has affected that curve on your face.  There is joy, in your heart and everywhere else. 

There is a time to mourn.  There is a place for sadness and grief.  But today, quietly consider all that God is for your in Christ Jesus.  Meditate on His promises.  See the glory of God in the face of Jesus.  If that doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then perhaps His joy was never there in the first place.  Smile!

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