Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 5: World Teacher's Day


October 5:  World Teacher’s Day 

Education, at least in the US, is in crisis.  Having been a teacher myself, I can attest to the long hours, the low pay, and the underappreciation that we often felt.  But the role of teachers, at every level, has been increasingly taken over by activists and “social justice warriors” who feel obligated to brainwash our children.  From grade school to the university lecture hall, students are repeatedly taught to denigrate America, eschew traditional values, and reject any worldview that embraces God. 

Overstatement?  Obviously, there are exceptions.  The fact remains that this evolution has a long and verifiable history, dating back to the Frankfurt School in Germany, to Columbia University in the US, to the halls of Congress today.  Look it up!

Teachers’ Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of the role played by teachers all over the world. We need to raise “re-awareness” of the relationship of the Kingdom to children, and the uncompromising warning that Jesus sounded to those who would lead children astray.  (Matthew 19:14; Matthew 18:6). 

Our calling as God’s people is to be transformed, and to transform the world around us.  (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6)  It is time to engage in Christ-centered, Kingdom-advancing activism.  Run for your local school board.  Educate yourself.  Write letters to your Senators and representatives.  Organize protests and marches.  Always peaceful, never combative, bathed in prayer and submitted to God’s Spirit, activities like these will potentially spare generations to come from the current evils of our state-run schools.  I urge you to stop wringing your hands and instead clasp them together in prayer.  Stop whining and lamenting the current state of affairs, and boldly proclaim the truth.  Who knows?  In years to come, they may have to rename October 5 as the “Day God’s People Rose Up” Day. 

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