Friday, October 2, 2020

October 1: Older People's Day


October 1:  Older People’s Day

With people living and working longer, it’s increasingly important that we recognize the importance of supporting senior citizens and OAPs within our society. Older Peoples Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the long-term contribution and dedication of older people, and to ensure that we’re doing our best to give something back to older people

It is a day that is long overdue.  At a time when every group is supposedly “marginalized” and every person is a victim of one sort or another, there is no question that the elderly have been pushed to the edges of our society.  We are the poorer for it.  The elderly are perhaps the greatest untapped resource we have.  They are regularly passed over for the sake of “the young,” and our commitment to them has devolved into nursing homes or retirement villages in Florida. 

This needs to change.  In the first place, the elderly are a storehouse of wisdom.  Older men and women are encouraged to teach younger people.  (Titus 2:3-5; 1 Timothy 5:1; Leviticus 19:32).  Imagine the benefit if younger men and women submitted to the teaching and instruction of older members of the household of faith?  It just makes sense to learn from those who have greater exposure to God’s word to God Himself, and to life in general. 

Second, we need to care for the elderly, ourselves.  The proliferation of nursing homes and assisted living facilities has deadened our commitment to our parents and grandparents.  Some of the sternest warnings in scripture are reserved for those who fail to care for family.  (1 Timothy 5:8).  I am not suggesting that there is no place for nursing homes, but the general lack of commitment to the elderly is appalling.  This past year (2019), my wife and I moved my parents from North Carolina to our home in Michigan.  Both 87, they are neither feeble nor infirmed.  But they are older.  They live on the main floor to avoid the stairs, while my wife and I live very comfortably downstairs.  Like never before they are participating in family gatherings and time with grandkids and great-grandchildren. It has not been without challenges.  But the overall benefit has been immeasurable to them and to our family. 

Finally, a challenge to the elderly themselves.  Please, do not retire in the traditional sense.  Having been born and raised in Florida, I know how compelling the warmer weather and ocean breezes can be.  But we need you!  God’s Kingdom needs you!  The Church needs you!  Please, insert yourself if needed, but do no “retire” from serving and leading in the Church.  On this day, let’s all rethink our commitment to the elderly.  And for those with “silver strands among the gold,” share your wisdom and insight with us.  We need it now more than ever.

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