October 21: Global Dignity Day
Global Dignity Day is an initiative to educate and inspire young people and help them to understand their self-worth and goals. It was established in 2008 and continues to grow in popularity. No surprise there. As a culture and a world, we have become obsessed with self-worth. We must learn to “love ourselves,” we are told, or all hope of loving others is lost. Children must never be made to feel inferior to others, so “participation” awards are given rather than ribbons and medals. Lest I sound to harsh, I affirm the sentiment behind this day, but I loath the outcomes of this push for self-worth.
Days like this speak to a much deeper problem, one that we must understand and unapologetically counter. The problem is this: Is humanity basically good, needing some help in chipping off the rough edges and refining our better instincts, or is humanity basically evil, in need of radical transformation from the inside out? Every worldview that opposes God starts here. If I am basically good, in need of being cheered on in that belief, I don’t need to repent, and I certainly don’t need the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ.
Look carefully at passages like Psalm 14, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 64, Job 14, and Romans 3. There is no true dignity apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hearts are desperately wicked, and only the work of God’s Spirit can change that. 2 things seem evident.
First, start with yourself. If you have never sought the true dignity and transformation that comes through receiving and believing in Jesus Christ, you need to do that, today. Talk to a friend or pastor, or find a helpful resource like Spiritual But Not Religious at Amazon or Google. Find a Bible, and begin to prayerfully walk through Scripture in an effort to begin formulating a robust Christian worldview on the human condition. I know. Sounds daunting. But it is critical that we as believers get this right. No lasting human dignity will ever be possible if we don’t.
Second, be winsome but unflinching in your testimony to the Truth, God’s truth, found in His Word and in the person of Jesus Christ. God’s people cannot afford to waffle on this. We are sinners, with desperately evil hearts that will always turn from God unless He arrests us and turns us to Him. Then, real self-worth can begin. Real goal setting can begin. Real dignity will come into focus. On this day, purpose to be that kind of person. Begin where you are. Pray that the light of Christ will shine in your face, more and more each day. What a perfect day to start.
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