October 8: International Podiatry Day
I have bad feet. It’s called “neuropathy” and it is a symptom of my diabetes. I have virtually no feeling in my feet, which is not good. Pain is there to alert us that something is wrong. I am also an incredibly sound sleeper. So when my dog lovingly tried to remove an infection in one of my toes by chewing the end of my toe off, I didn’t feel a thing. That happened twice. I’m not making that up. I have pictures!
The International Federation of Podiatrists is behind International Podiatry Day. The federation has existed since 1947 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing podiatry worldwide. It has 26 member countries sharing research, practice and knowledge between them. Needless to say, I see my podiatrist often.
If you’re still reading and haven’t rushed to
the bathroom yet, a word from scripture about feet. Quoting Isaiah 52:7, Paul in Romans 10:15 asks
“And how are they
to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet
of those who preach the good news!”
Beautiful indeed.
On this day, engage in a little spiritual
podiatry. Go ahead and take a look at
your feet. Seriously, put the book down
and bare your feet. Now I want you to
pray over them. I want you to ask the
God who made you to anoint your feet in a way that changes everything. Ask the Father to make your feet beautiful in
the sense of Isaiah 52. Bring the Good
News of the Gospel with you today. Let
every place your feet touch become holy ground.
Let Christ emanate from you in unmistakable ways. Walk to a friend or neighbor or colleague or
family member and share the good news. I
hope you will never view October 8 the same again.
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