Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 3: Techies Day


October 3:  Techies Day

Techies Day was originally developed for the purpose of helping high school students become educated about careers in technology. It was first established in 1998 by techies.com with the support of CNET Networks. The world ahead will see ever greater integrations of technology into our day to day lives, and with those innovations will come the need for the truly technologically savvy, those who know their way around this technology driven world and can help those who are perhaps less knowledgeable find their way. 

The Terminator and I, Robot notwithstanding, this world is coming.  The threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI) may or may not be real, but one thing is certain:  Tech and day to day life will become increasingly intertwined.  What say you believers?

1 Corinthians 7:12-24 gives rather surprising counsel.  As believers, we should remain in the calling in which we find ourselves when saved.  In other words, fight the impulse to become a preacher or missionary or Christian school teacher if that is not what God is clearly calling you to.  It’s an understandable impulse.  When we come to Christ, we are overwhelmed with gratitude.  We are so indebted to the grace of God, we want to pay Him back.  Stop!  That is a losing proposition, and the gateway to an unhealthy “debtor mentality” that has put countless Christians on the performance treadmill.

Instead, humbly and wisely consider, what has God called you to vocationally?  What are your gifts, your passions, your leadership style?  Now more than ever we need believers to enter STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).  God’s people need to reclaim these areas for the glory of God and for Christ-exalting endeavors.  

As we move closer to a new year, stop and consider:  Does God want me to become a techie?  If you have already followed God’s call into another field, do you know someone who exhibits gifts and talents in this area?  Encourage them.  Urge them to consider how God might use them in the STEM fields.  Imagine the impact we could make, the powerful ways we could advance The Kingdom if more and more surrendered believers pursued this calling.  We would indeed help many “find their way.” 

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